APIC San Diego Chapter

Long Term Care Facility Infection Prevention Virtual Conference

San Diego & Imperial County APIC Chapter Presents

Long Term Care Facility Infection Prevention Virtual Conference

November 17, 2023
9:00am to 2:30pm PST
Virtual half-day event, using Zoom

  • In the previous years, the COVID-19 pandemic has magnified the need for infection preventionist in the most vulnerable healthcare settings. Federal regulations will have a considerable impact on how long-term care facilities address infection prevention and control. To help prepare these facilities for the change and provide a network of resources, San Diego & Imperial County Association of Professionals in Infection Control (APIC) will provide healthcare professionals working in long-term care facilities (LTCF) with infection prevention and control information that are both fundamental and unique to the LTCF practice setting.

    E-conference materials (digital program and vendor materials)
    Live raffle entry for Education Support Award

  • Host: Jessica Alicdan, MPH, CIC – Chapter Education Chair
    Moderator: Jarrod Becasen, MPH, CIC – Chapter President

    Geoff Granseth, MPH, CIC & Karen Verterano, MSN, RN – Health Services Advisory Group, Inc. (HSAG)
    Preventing Infection-Related Admissions and Readmissions in Long-Term Care

    Maggie Turner, M.Ed., FAPIC, CIC, PHN, RN – California Department of Public Health
    Waterborne Pathogens and Legionella in Skilled Nursing Facilities

    Jessica Dangles, MBA, MS, PMP & Steven J. Schweon RN, MPH, MSN, CIC, LTC-CIP, CPHQ, FSHEA, FAPIC – Certification Board of Infection Control and Epidemiology
    Long-Term Care Certification in Infection Prevention (LTC-CIP)

    Aurora Avalos, RN, MSN, PHN & Shannon Malindzak, RN, MPH, PHN – Project Firstline Nurse Educators, Center for Health Care Quality, California Department of Public Health
    Train-the-Trainer Resources for Skilled Nursing Facility Educators: Infection Prevention and Control Curriculum for CNA and EVS Staff

  • This activity is provider-approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider No. CEP 3947 for a maximum of 4.0 contact hours or IPUs.


Conference Location

Virtual-Only, a meeting link will provided upon registration 1 week before the event


$35.00 USD 
Register Now Button

Event Sponsors

Pre-Conference Materials


Please contact sdicapic@gmail.com

Past Conferences



2020 – Cancelled