APIC San Diego Chapter

(save to your calendar)
9:00am to 12:30pm PST
Virtual Education Event
Microsoft Teams

  • Infection prevention and control in long-term care facilities and skilled nursing facilities is not a one-person job. It requires a comprehensive program and a team effort to ensure the health and safety of residents. This educational offering aims to nurture and emphasize the importance of building a robust infection control program within your facility, including and not limited to the professional development of the IP.
    “Infection Prevention is a Program, not a Person” – Annemarie Flood

  • Participants will be able to develop an outbreak response plan tailored to their facility, incorporating lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic.
    Participants will be able to explain the rationale for using enhanced barrier precautions in specific scenarios beyond standard precautions.
    Participants will be able to collaborate with other healthcare providers to optimize antibiotic use and reduce the development of antibiotic resistance.

  • This activity is provider-approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider No. CEP 3947 for a maximum of 3.0 contact hours or IPUs.

“Daily Outbreak Prevention in Long-term Care: Moving Forward from COVID-19”
Vydia Nankoosingh, MLT, CIC

“Enhanced Barrier Precautions for Long Term Care Facilities”
Kim BoyntonDelahanty, BSN, PHN, MBA/HCM, CIC, FAPIC

“Antibiotic Resistance and Antimicrobial Stewardship”
Maggie Turner, M.Ed., FAPIC, PHN, RN

$35.00 USD 

Please contact sdicapic@gmail.com

2023 – “Long Term Care Facility Infection Prevention Virtual Conference”

2022 – “Virtually Yours”

2021 – “Here Comes a New Challenger”

2020 – Cancelled

2019 – “Managing Infection Prevention Challenges in Long-Term Care Facilities”

2018 – “Addressing Infection Prevention Challenges in Long-Term Care”

2017 – “Tackling the Challenges of Infection Prevention in Long-Term Care”