APIC San Diego Chapter

2025 Chapter Meeting Schedule

Our Chapter meets in-person and virtually (hybrid) on the second Wednesday of the month.

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Vendor Partners, interested in sponsoring an event or event speaker? Please email SD/IC APIC.

Chapter Hybrid Meeting Agenda:
12:00pm PST Chapter Lunch Meet & Greet (in-person)
12:30pm PST Chapter Business Meeting (60 mins)
1:30pm PST Educational Presentation (60 mins)
2:30pm PST Chapter Discussion of Education Presentation (30 minutes)
3:00pm PST Vendor Presentation (10 mins)

These activities are provider-approved by the San Diego & Imperial County APIC Chapter’s California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider No. CEP 3947 up to 1.0 contact hours or IPU per educational offering.

January 8, 2025

  • Supporting Member Sponsor(s): tbd

    Education Presenter: Bridget Olson, ID/ASP Pharmacist Consultant, CDPH HAI division; Raymond Chinn, MD, FIDSA, FSHEA, San Diego HHSA
    Presentation: Enhancing Antimicrobial and Diagnostic Stewardship Programs
    Learning Objectives:

    1. Understand the epidemiology of multidrug-resistant organisms (MDROs) with increasing resistance, notably in Skilled Nursing Facilities (SNF)
    2. Provide an overview of Antimicrobial and Diagnostic Stewardship Programs (ASP) and how they can decrease the development of antimicrobial resistance.
    3. Identify the role of the Infection Preventionist (IP) in ASP
    4. Describe the prevalence of Asymptomatic Bacteriuria
    5. Be aware of Myths associated with UTI diagnosis and Urinalysis (UA) interpretation
    6. Identify strategies to promote Diagnostic Stewardship, “the culture of not culturing” and “watchful waiting” in populations prone to asymptomatic bacteriuria
    7. Improve ASP across the continuum of patient care

    In-Person Location:
    Sharp Copley, 5651 Copley Dr, San Diego, CA 92111, Room D
    Virtual Link: Join Microsoft Teams Meeting

  • Meeting Agenda
    August 2024 Minutes
    Presentation Copy
    CIC Study Session Folder


February 12, 2025

  • Supporting Member Sponsor(s): Rick Biro, Access Vascular, Inc

    Education Presenter: Nancy Moureau, PhD, RN, CRNI, CPUI, VA-BC
    Presentation: Emerging Perspectives on the Prevention of Vascular Access Device-Associated Hospital Onset Bacteremia 
    Learning Objectives: 

    1. Evaluate the need for expansion of Central Line Bloodstream Infection (CLABSI) and Prevention measures that would apply to Hospital Onset Bacteremia policies.
    2. Describe Vessel Health and Prevention with the lifecycle of vascular access devices.
    3. List recommendations to minimize complications and prevent central CLABSI and peripheral catheter associated bloodstream infections (CABSI).
    4. Discuss implementation core components for leadership, staffing, infection preventionists, surveillance, blood sampling, bundle compliance, and education.
    5. Summarize prevention implementation aspects and policy sustainability with Hospital Onset Bacteremia

    In-Person Location:
    Sharp Copley, 5651 Copley Dr, San Diego, CA 92111, Room D
    Virtual Link: Join Microsoft Teams Meeting

  • Meeting Agenda
    Meeting Minutes
    Presentation Copy
    CIC Study Session Folder


March 12, 2025

  • Supporting Member Sponsor(s): tbd

    Education Presenter: Garrett Hollembeak CRCST, CIS, CHL, CER
    Presentation: Outlaws and Instruments – Device Reprocessing in the Ambulatory Wild West
    Learning Objectives: 

    1. Identify the risks associated with instruments and endoscopes in outpatient practices.
    2. Examine how reprocessing best practices are adapted to the ambulatory setting.
    3. Advocate for the role of Infection Prevention in promoting safety and compliance.
    4. Provide a framework for the strength of recommended improvements.
    5. Explore how alternative to reprocessing enhance patient safety and efficiency.

    In-Person Location:
    Sharp Copley, 5651 Copley Dr, San Diego, CA 92111, Room D
    Virtual Link: Join Microsoft Teams Meeting

  • Meeting Agenda
    Meeting Minutes
    Presentation Copy
    CIC Study Session Folder


April 9, 2025

  • Supporting Member Sponsor(s): tbd

    Education Presenter: tbd
    Presentation: tbd
    Learning Objectives: 

    1. tbd
    2. tbd
    3. tbd

    In-Person Location: Sharp Copley, 5651 Copley Dr, San Diego, CA 92111, Room D
    Virtual Link: Join Microsoft Teams Meeting

  • Meeting Agenda
    Meeting Minutes
    Presentation Copy
    CIC Study Session Folder


May 14, 2025

  • Supporting Member Sponsor(s): tbd

    Education Presenter: tbd
    Presentation: tbd
    Learning Objectives: 

    1. tbd
    2. tbd
    3. tbd

    In-Person Location: Sharp Copley, 5651 Copley Dr, San Diego, CA 92111, Room D
    Virtual Link: Join Microsoft Teams Meeting

  • Meeting Agenda
    Meeting Minutes
    Presentation Copy
    CIC Study Session Folder


June 11, 2025

No Chapter Meeting


July 9, 2025

  • Supporting Member Sponsor(s): tbd

    Education Presenter: tbd
    Presentation: tbd
    Learning Objectives: 

    1. tbd
    2. tbd
    3. tbd

    In-Person Location: Sharp Copley, 5651 Copley Dr, San Diego, CA 92111, Room D
    Virtual Link: Join Microsoft Teams Meeting

  • Meeting Agenda
    Meeting Minutes
    Presentation Copy
    CIC Study Session Folder


August 13 2025

  • Supporting Member Sponsor(s): tbd

    Education Presenter: tbd
    Presentation: tbd
    Learning Objectives: 

    1. tbd
    2. tbd
    3. tbd

    In-Person Location: Sharp Copley, 5651 Copley Dr, San Diego, CA 92111, Room D
    Virtual Link: Join Microsoft Teams Meeting

  • Meeting Agenda
    Meeting Minutes
    Presentation Copy
    CIC Study Session Folder


September 10, 2025

No Chapter Meeting


October 8, 2025

  • Supporting Member Sponsor(s): tbd

    Education Presenter: tbd
    Presentation: tbd
    Learning Objectives: 

    1. tbd
    2. tbd
    3. tbd

    In-Person Location: Sharp Copley, 5651 Copley Dr, San Diego, CA 92111, Room D
    Virtual Link: Join Microsoft Teams Meeting

  • Meeting Agenda
    Meeting Minutes
    Presentation Copy
    CIC Study Session Folder


November 12, 2025

No Chapter Meeting


December 10, 2025

No Chapter Meeting


Archived Meetings: