Our Chapter meets in-person and virtually (hybrid) on the second Wednesday of the month.
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Vendor Partners, interested in sponsoring an event or event speaker? Please email SD/IC APIC.
Chapter Hybrid Meeting Agenda:
12:00pm PST Chapter Lunch Meet & Greet (in-person)
12:30pm PST Chapter Business Meeting (60 mins)
1:30pm PST Educational Presentation (60 mins)
2:30pm PST Chapter Discussion of Education Presentation (30 minutes)
3:00pm PST Vendor Presentation (10 mins)
These activities are provider-approved by the San Diego & Imperial County APIC Chapter’s California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider No. CEP 3947 up to 1.0 contact hours or IPU per educational offering.
January 8, 2025
Supporting Member Sponsor(s): tbd
Education Presenter: Bridget Olson, ID/ASP Pharmacist Consultant, CDPH HAI division; Raymond Chinn, MD, FIDSA, FSHEA, San Diego HHSA
Presentation: Enhancing Antimicrobial and Diagnostic Stewardship Programs
Learning Objectives:- Understand the epidemiology of multidrug-resistant organisms (MDROs) with increasing resistance, notably in Skilled Nursing Facilities (SNF)
- Provide an overview of Antimicrobial and Diagnostic Stewardship Programs (ASP) and how they can decrease the development of antimicrobial resistance.
- Identify the role of the Infection Preventionist (IP) in ASP
- Describe the prevalence of Asymptomatic Bacteriuria
- Be aware of Myths associated with UTI diagnosis and Urinalysis (UA) interpretation
- Identify strategies to promote Diagnostic Stewardship, “the culture of not culturing” and “watchful waiting” in populations prone to asymptomatic bacteriuria
- Improve ASP across the continuum of patient care
In-Person Location: Sharp Copley, 5651 Copley Dr, San Diego, CA 92111, Room D
Virtual Link: Join Microsoft Teams MeetingMeeting Agenda
August 2024 Minutes
Presentation Copy
CIC Study Session Folder
February 12, 2025
Supporting Member Sponsor(s): Rick Biro, Access Vascular, Inc
Education Presenter: Nancy Moureau, PhD, RN, CRNI, CPUI, VA-BC
Presentation: Emerging Perspectives on the Prevention of Vascular Access Device-Associated Hospital Onset Bacteremia
Learning Objectives:- Evaluate the need for expansion of Central Line Bloodstream Infection (CLABSI) and Prevention measures that would apply to Hospital Onset Bacteremia policies.
- Describe Vessel Health and Prevention with the lifecycle of vascular access devices.
- List recommendations to minimize complications and prevent central CLABSI and peripheral catheter associated bloodstream infections (CABSI).
- Discuss implementation core components for leadership, staffing, infection preventionists, surveillance, blood sampling, bundle compliance, and education.
- Summarize prevention implementation aspects and policy sustainability with Hospital Onset Bacteremia
In-Person Location: Sharp Copley, 5651 Copley Dr, San Diego, CA 92111, Room D
Virtual Link: Join Microsoft Teams MeetingMeeting Agenda
Meeting Minutes
Presentation Copy
CIC Study Session Folder
March 12, 2025
Supporting Member Sponsor(s): tbd
Education Presenter: Garrett Hollembeak CRCST, CIS, CHL, CER
Presentation: Outlaws and Instruments – Device Reprocessing in the Ambulatory Wild West
Learning Objectives:- Identify the risks associated with instruments and endoscopes in outpatient practices.
- Examine how reprocessing best practices are adapted to the ambulatory setting.
- Advocate for the role of Infection Prevention in promoting safety and compliance.
- Provide a framework for the strength of recommended improvements.
- Explore how alternative to reprocessing enhance patient safety and efficiency.
In-Person Location: Sharp Copley, 5651 Copley Dr, San Diego, CA 92111, Room D
Virtual Link: Join Microsoft Teams MeetingMeeting Agenda
Meeting Minutes
Presentation Copy
CIC Study Session Folder
April 9, 2025
Supporting Member Sponsor(s): tbd
Education Presenter: tbd
Presentation: tbd
Learning Objectives:
1. tbd
2. tbd
3. tbdIn-Person Location: Sharp Copley, 5651 Copley Dr, San Diego, CA 92111, Room D
Virtual Link: Join Microsoft Teams MeetingMeeting Agenda
Meeting Minutes
Presentation Copy
CIC Study Session Folder
May 14, 2025
Supporting Member Sponsor(s): tbd
Education Presenter: tbd
Presentation: tbd
Learning Objectives:
1. tbd
2. tbd
3. tbdIn-Person Location: Sharp Copley, 5651 Copley Dr, San Diego, CA 92111, Room D
Virtual Link: Join Microsoft Teams MeetingMeeting Agenda
Meeting Minutes
Presentation Copy
CIC Study Session Folder
June 11, 2025
No Chapter Meeting
July 9, 2025
Supporting Member Sponsor(s): tbd
Education Presenter: tbd
Presentation: tbd
Learning Objectives:
1. tbd
2. tbd
3. tbdIn-Person Location: Sharp Copley, 5651 Copley Dr, San Diego, CA 92111, Room D
Virtual Link: Join Microsoft Teams MeetingMeeting Agenda
Meeting Minutes
Presentation Copy
CIC Study Session Folder
August 13 2025
Supporting Member Sponsor(s): tbd
Education Presenter: tbd
Presentation: tbd
Learning Objectives:
1. tbd
2. tbd
3. tbdIn-Person Location: Sharp Copley, 5651 Copley Dr, San Diego, CA 92111, Room D
Virtual Link: Join Microsoft Teams MeetingMeeting Agenda
Meeting Minutes
Presentation Copy
CIC Study Session Folder
September 10, 2025
No Chapter Meeting
October 8, 2025
Supporting Member Sponsor(s): tbd
Education Presenter: tbd
Presentation: tbd
Learning Objectives:
1. tbd
2. tbd
3. tbdIn-Person Location: Sharp Copley, 5651 Copley Dr, San Diego, CA 92111, Room D
Virtual Link: Join Microsoft Teams MeetingMeeting Agenda
Meeting Minutes
Presentation Copy
CIC Study Session Folder
November 12, 2025
No Chapter Meeting
December 10, 2025
No Chapter Meeting